

Sundays at 10:00 AM:

The Holy Eucharist
(the primary Christian celebration of Word and Sacrament) is celebrated weekly at Faith.  It is traditional, yet contemporary, with a user-friendly "hands on" celebrate booklet used as a guide to easily follow the liturgy.  A variety of musical instruments accompany God's worshiping people throughout the year.

Sunday School:  Children (age 3 through 4th grade)
Sunday School is held in Faith's Family Life Center.  Childcare is also available, as well as a dedicated "cry room," where parents can be with their child and still be able to hear the service.

Mid-week Services of Advent - A special series of Wednesday evening services at 7:00 PM help us prepare for the celebration of Christian Christmas.  Advent celebrations include a healing service with anointing of oil, and a special evening candlelight service of Advent, together with other thematic services.

Wednesdays in Lent - A series of six Wednesdays in preparation for the Festival of Easter begin with an Ash Wednesday service at 7:00 PM.
We hold a series of five Lenten Wednesday Soup Suppers served in Goehring Hall at 6:00 PM followed by Lenten Vespers at 7:00 PM.