Worship Assistants -
Men, women and Confirmed young people are encouraged to take part as lectors, ushers, greeters, and Communion assistants.

Eucharistic Visitors - A special group of men and women in the congregation take the elements of Holy Communion to the homebound faithful of the congregation on a regular basis throughout the month.  Elements are consecrated  during the Sunday service. 

Friends in Sonoma Helping (F.I.S.H.) Supporters - Food and clothing are gathered at Faith at the weekly Sunday service and transported to the FISH facility.  

Community Outreach - Faith's Mission Outreach Committee provides casseroles to local homeless shelter Haven House on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. Casseroles and vegetables from Faith's Garden are delivered by a church volunteer.

The committee also provides Blessing Bags for parishioners to carry in their cars to pass along to people they encounter who are in need. The bags contain personal hygiene products. Included in each bag is a small version of the Gospel of St. John and information as to locations for assistance. (Additional items can also be added.)

Prayer Chain -  Men and women of Faith are invited to participate in a prayer chain which offers intersessions for a wide variety of people and needs.

Church Building Usage - Faith Lutheran Church opens its facilities on a regular basis for community service.  Goehring Hall becomes a polling place on voting day, a site for frequent blood drives, as well as a meeting place for the Newcomers Club, Tai Chi and Zumba classes.

Fellowship Board - Faith offers a variety of congregation-wide fellowship activities for children, youth, and adults within the parish.  In addition to anniversary celebrations, and Sunday morning coffee fellowship activities, special "thematic" observances occur, including Fall Rally Day, Oktoberfest, Reformation, Christmas, Lenten Soup Suppers, Memorial Day, and July 4th.

Board of Mission Outreach - This Board is tasked with embracing Sunday visitors and reaching out into the community to foster a wider awareness of Faith's mission and ministry.